Always of an entrepreneurial bent, my “day-job” is the executive management of a thriving environmental consulting and construction firm in northern Colorado. But my deep roots have always been planted in serving the body of Christ directly, in tending communities, and in nurturing the individuals who make them up.
One of the defining elements of my life is that I have been in recovery from drug-addiction and alcoholism for 42 years. Closely tied to that is the fact that I have lived with and managed chronic depression for much of my life. Why tell you that in the middle of an introductory description of me when it would be so much easier, and possibly safer, to leave that out? One reason is that part of my recovery requires a certain measure of transparency. Disclosure. That part is for me. The other reason though is for you, and it carries the greater weight of motivation for me.
More of Lancia's Story
You need to know if I am a reliable voice to listen to and whether I have any understanding of the landscape you are traveling and overcoming.
It is important for your sake that you know we share common ground in our human experience – and that while I write about things that are beautiful, true and good, it isn’t just “sweetness and light”.
I don’t live in a protected ivory tower, any more than you do, and I don’t have easy answers. For all of life’s heartaches and mysteries, I know that God is faithful, and I know that He is Good. Always Good. From that starting point I am working out a living faith in the daily struggles and joys of my own life.
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